
This site was created to answer legal questions asked by  trans* youth living in Maryland. This website was created by FreeState Legal Project in partnership with local Maryland PFLAG chapters.

What type of information will you find on this site?

Here you will find information about some of the Maryland laws and regulations that affect trans* youth and their families. This includes: laws about legally changing your name and gender; the steps to change your name or gender on official documents, like Social Security cards, driver’s licenses, and passports; rules about signing up for Selective Service if you are trans*;  and your civil rights.

We are not able to provide information about the medical or psychological aspects of transition, although we do provide links to additional resources which might be able to provide some answers.

What it means to get a legal name or gender change
What it means to get a legal name or gender change
Updating your name or gender with the Social Security Administration
Updating your name or gender with the Social Security Administration
Changing your name or gender on your birth certificate
Changing your name or gender on your birth certificate
Changing your name or gender on your driver's license
Changing your name or gender on your driver’s license
Changing your name or gender on your passport
Changing your name or gender on your passport
What you need to know about registering for Selective Service
What you need to know about registering for Selective Service
Know the rights that protect your gender identity and expression
Know the rights that protect your gender identity and expression
Additional resources for trans* support
Additional resources for trans* support